Friday, June 28, 2013

The Word He Spoke To Me Is True!

"As it was in the days of Noah, as it was in the days of Sodom so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man."  Its not by chance the previous blog of the sins of the church world outline is given just 17 days ago, and here in the end of time, two days ago the Supreme Court stamped its approval for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Now, for the first time in history as we know it in our time, all 3 branches of government are on one accord with the profane and lewdness of the country.

Twelve years ago about this time, God spoke to me in Richmond, VA, now I can see why my return back to SC to backtrack and to warn the people about America, the Nation and the so called church world have entered the realm of no return to God nor the faith they once believed, and here it is fulfilled.

So now, as it was with the mandate by President Obama and the so-called church world with all of this holy, Apostolic, claiming to have the whole truth preachers, was quiet on that, even now, our voice will still be quiet.  Never in the history of the world, should the people, preachers, the men of God and the people of the living God voice should be silent and go along with wrong.  But, as I have always stated in the past, the Apostle Paul and the Apostle to the known church world left us the last three (3) great prophecies along with the Apostle Peter and the last appeal by the Apostle Jude, before we go into the book of Hell (Relevation), that we should earnestly contend for the faith, as well as judgment must begin at the house of God.  Perilous time shall come, fall away from God with strong delusion and don't want to hear sound doctrine.

So now we can conclude that America, the US has been and now ruled by sissies, bulldaggers, faggots, lesbians, morphodites, butches, the Bible use the term Sodomites, dogs.  The Apostle Paul used the term effeminate.  So what's left but the judgment of the living God.  When I wrote in the last blog, there was not a big response which I expected, nevertheless the message was true, because even now, those in power have made my message even more true.  People, either it's God or the devil, Christ or the world, holiness or hell, salvation or damnation.  Repent or perish, turn or burn.  Either the Bible is the true and without controversy the infallible word of God that can not be altered but must be obeyed or meet the judgment of the living God.  Yes, if you can complete this blog and read, you probably have scorned some of my earlier statements about where the country is at.  Same pattern of destruction in the days before the flood and before the destruction of Sodom are the same.

Let me conclude, we must consider that in God that we live, move and breathe and have our being and we are not to think that he is"like" what man is doing.  Apostle Paul stated in Romans 1, how when they knew God they did not glorify Him as God, but became vain in their imagination, professing to be wise and became fools.  We started with worshipping and loving animals more than God, after that we went into men with men, but that was always from the beginning.  It was an abomination then and it is now, and continuing since the women have left the natural use in going with women.  It was never so in Biblical times, but was prophesied by the Apostle Paul that this would happen.  And that those that take pleasure with these that do so are also guilty. 

So if you are not defiled, polluted, reprobate, corrupt, demon possessed, mentally ill and abominable and without natural affection, then come ye out from among this environment, for Jesus said Father take them from not out of the world, but keep them from the evil.  If you are not of this environment, come out and get with them that are in the righteousness of God and true holiness.  Jesus said in the book of Matthew, when you see the desolation as prophesied by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the holy place.  People come back to God before its too late or meet the judgment of the living God for you have already gone down the road to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God bless.
Phone: 803.359.9052

1 comment:

  1. Wow, dad you are right! This is so true, but many have turned a deaf ear. All we can do is continue to spread the word as God gives us.
